Monday, July 16, 2012

LeoN KeeR

LeoN KeeR Video Clips. Duration : 2.68 Mins.

© Leon Keer (1970) works with a mixture of techniques, uses a rich variety of materials, ranging from professional acrylic paints to adhesives, solvents, primers and tar. His subjects and images are entirely contemporary they could be freeze frames from a video clip. In his work current issues are reviewed, such as current environmental concerns and the livability of this world. The artist observes great impotence and with that a certain degree of indifference from the individual. Leon Keer is constantly aware of the beautiful versus the ugly, a contrast that he expresses and amplifies in his work and which he uses as a metaphor for live. His paintings reflect his thoughts, confronting the viewer with the diseased spirit of our times, visible decay counter-pointing a timeless longing for unspoiled beauty.

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